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How to assess trees in the field for suitability for milling.
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Timber; Farm milling & uses;
Document Type: Videos;
Sawn fence posts - poplar doesn't take treatment when unsawn, so if you want to treat them you need to cut them first.
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Timber; Farm milling & uses;
Document Type: Videos;
Why mill your own poplar trees? It's cheaper than buying your own timber, and you can mill to your own exact specifications.
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Timber; Farm milling & uses;
Document Type: Videos;
Poplar doesn't split or splinter easily, and is also light weight and creates easy turning parts so is ideal for making children's toys. It can also be used for cooking utensils as it is a "non-taint" timber, and normal furniture for similar reasons.
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Timber; Farm milling & uses;
Document Type: Videos;
Poplar is ideal for truck decking as it doesn't splinter easily.
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Timber; Farm milling & uses;
Document Type: Videos;
Producing battens from milled poplar can be achieved. The process of drying is the most important part - even though it dries very quickly it has to be done properly. Preparation for treatment is discussed.
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Timber; Farm milling & uses;
Document Type: Videos;
Introduction - older trees are better for milling, not just done away with as happens on many farms. Poplar can be milled on the farm to create usable poplar timber, with some farm uses.
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Timber; Farm milling & uses;
Document Type: Videos;
Once a year the Poplar and Willow Research Trust produces a Newsletter for distribution to partners and associates who are supportive of the work of the Trust.
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Willow Information;
Document Type: Newsletters;
Checklist of advantages of using poplars and willows in your farm plan
Topics: Trees for the Farm;
Document Type: Publications;
Shelterbelts and riparian buffers have many advantages on farms
Topics: Erosion Control; Rivers; Trees for the Farm;
Document Type: Presentations;
A guide to erosion control/spaced plantings being eligible to enter the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
Topics: Trees for the Farm;
Document Type: Publications;
The multiple benefits of poplars and willows on hill country farms have been shared at a field day in Wairarapa.
Topics: Erosion Control; Farms;
Document Type: Videos;
Safety is paramount when pollarding willows, especially for the first time. Willows can provide decent fodder for stock.
Topics: Fodder; Trees for the Farm; Willow Information;
Document Type: Videos;
How and why to high prune poplar trees.
Topics: Cultivation; Poplar Information;
Document Type: Videos;
Older willows can be pollarded to allow them to become a fodder source.
Topics: Fodder; Cultivation; Willow Information;
Document Type: Videos;
Information sheets on poplar clones grown and marketed through regional council nurseries
Topics: Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm;
Document Type: Fact Sheets;
Large or old poplar trees planted for soil conservation and now considered a safety risk can be poisoned, killed and left standing using appropriate herbicide applied to the conducting tissue in the trunk.
Topics: Cultivation; Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm;
Document Type: Publications;
Former forester Tim Forde believes the humble poplar is one of the most underrated trees in New Zealand.
Topics: Trees for the Farm;
Document Type: Audio;
Poplar poles sometimes require re-ramming as the summer progresses after recent planting. Re-ramming helps secure the pole and enhance root contact with the soil.
Topics: Cultivation;
Document Type: Videos;
Poplars should be form-pruned. Single stems are healthier with greater longevity, allow for better pasture growth and are more likely to produce millable logs.
Topics: Cultivation;
Document Type: Videos;
Poplars may benefit from high pruning to increase their health and longevity, encourage pasture growth and to produce millable logs.
Topics: Cultivation;
Document Type: Videos;
Pollarding willows is useful to manage tree size when producing fodder for stock and producing planting poles. Safety is a key issue.
Topics: Fodder; Cultivation;
Document Type: Videos;
A tractor mounted bin is a useful way to quickly and easy way to pollard willows on the farm, particularly in flat to easy country. Safety is paramount.
Topics: Fodder; Cultivation;
Document Type: Videos;
The best choice depends on your requirements. Get good advice on choosing the right poles in terms of the right size and variety.
Topics: Cultivation; Purchasing Poles;
Document Type: Videos;
Learn how to assess hill country sites and place poles for best effect to reduce erosion.
Topics: Cultivation;
Document Type: Videos;
Tips for storage, treatment and planting of poplar and willow poles for successful planting.
Topics: Cultivation;
Document Type: Videos;
This Marketing Plan has been developed by the TRUST as an extension initiative to achieve increased plantings on farms in vulnerable hill country areas.
Document Type: Publications;
The New Zealand Poplar & Willow Trust corporate document explains the trust and the importance of poplar and willows in New Zealand
Topics: Erosion Control; Poplar Information; Willow Information;
Document Type: Publications;
Poplars and Willows are extremely versatile trees that can deliver significant cost savings and provide excellent support in achieving environmental outcomes for dairy farmers.
Topics: Effluent Management; Erosion Control; Poplar Information; Willow Information;
Document Type: Fact Sheets;
A pictorial key to help identify some of the willows in New Zealand
Topics: Willow Information;
Document Type: Publications;
Guidelines for Establishing and Managing Poplar and Willow Trees on Farms Compiled and Prepared by the National Poplar and Willow Users Group as part of the Sustainable Farming Fund’s Poplar & Willow Project (Grant No. 04/089)
Topics: Cultivation; Trees for the Farm;
Document Type: Publications;
A decision support tool for farmers booklet
Topics: Erosion Control; Cultivation; Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Willow Information;
Document Type: Publications;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Poplar Information; Willow Information;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Erosion Control; Farms; Cultivation;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Cultivation; Poplar Information;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Erosion Control; Farms; Poplar Information; Willow Information;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Erosion Control; Farms; Cultivation;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Poplar Information; Willow Information;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Cultivation;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Poplar Information; Willow Information;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Cultivation; Poplar Information;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Cultivation; Poplar Information;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Cultivation; Nutrition and Fertiliser;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014. An overview of the use of Poplar and Willows in New Zealand.
Topics: Erosion Control; Farms; Rivers; Poplar Information; Willow Information;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
Extending the supply of nutritious pollen for bees in spring. This informative booklet provides information on the pollen and nectar cycles of many willow cultivars.
Topics: Bee Nutrition;
Document Type: Publications;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Erosion Control; Rivers; Root Systems;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Erosion Control; Farms;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Erosion Control; Farms; Cultivation;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Cultivation;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;
A presentation at the IPC Working Party in Gisborne, 2014.
Topics: Erosion Control; Farms; Rivers; Fodder;
Document Type: Presentations; IPC - Gisborne 2014;