Document Library: Publications

An index to our poplar and willow documentation

Poplars and Willows as Bioengineering Tools Workshop 2025

The New Zealand Poplar and Willow Research Trust is offering national training 2-day workshops for new and experienced practitioners. The first one of 2025 is Tuesday 11 February - Wednesday 12 February 2025 in Hawkes Bay.

Topics: Erosion Control;

Document Type: Publications;

The NZ Farm Pole Nursery Guide - Part 1 - Planning

Pole planting is a quick and effective way of establishing trees in the presence of livestock, especially cattle.

Topics: Nursery; Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

The NZ Farm Pole Nursery Guide - Part 2 - Management

To establish and operate an effective on-farm pole nursery will require resources, management and above all, time.

Topics: Nursery; Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

The NZ Farm Pole Nursery Guide - Part 4 - Diseases and Pests

A description of common pests and diseases of poplar and willow in New Zealand.

Topics: Diseases; Nursery; Pests; Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Poplars and willows as bioengineering solutions – learnings from Cyclone Gabrielle

McIvor I, Heslop I, Brooks F

A survey of the bioengineering works (primarily mature willows and poplar trees) on a) the Tūtaekurī River within the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme and b) the Te Ārai River from Gisborne City water intake to its integration into the Waipoua Flood Protection Scheme was conducted 13 months after Cyclone Gabrielle.

Topics: Erosion Control; Rivers; Poplar Information; Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Report 2 for FGLT

Allan Frazer, Ian McIvor

A report for the Forest Growers Levy Trust Project. The extent of NZ poplar plantations, silviculture, marketing and local use of poplar timber. Establishment of a Poplar Action Group within NZ Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA). ‘Stage one of a three stage review and analysis of the potential of poplars as commercial timber species in New Zealand.’

Topics: Poplar Information; Timber;

Document Type: Publications;

Report 1 for FGLT: Poplar Cultivation

Ian McIvor

A report for the Forest Growers Levy Trust Project. Poplar cultivation: a comparison of international and national activity. The extent of NZ poplar plantations, silviculture, marketing and local use of poplar timber.

Topics: Poplar Information; Timber;

Document Type: Publications;

Root excavation of Salix matsudana × alba ‘Moutere’ willow on the Hutt River 2018

Ian McIvor (Plant & Food Research) and Mike Jensen (Greater Wellington Regional Council)

Root excavation of Salix matsudana × alba ‘Moutere’ willow on the Hutt River, Wellington, New Zealand and on the Rangitikei River, Ohakea, New Zealand

Topics: Erosion Control; Rivers; Root Systems; Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Photos of the 16 Demonstration Poplars at age 2 years

Photos of the 16 Demonstration Poplars at age 2 years showing branching arrangement, where the top shoots emerge from, and shoot dominance.

Topics: Poplar Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Poplar demonstration - watch out for it!

The purpose: to show the features of different hybrid poplar clones being bred in New Zealand for soil stabilisation, shelter, shade, riverbank protection, timber, and carbon credits.

Topics: Poplar Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Poplars and willows in the Waitetuna Valley

Kate Taylor

Trees of all ages and species cover Mike and Madeline Moss’s Raglan farm… helping promote the message of planting the right tree in the right place. Journalist Kate Taylor visited on an overcast winter’s day to see for herself.

Topics: Erosion Control; Farms; Trees for the Farm;

Document Type: Publications;

Early root development in 'Tangoio' tree willow planted as poles

McIvor I, Jones T, Ward R

Several studies have reported on root development of poplars of various ages growing on pastoral slopes but little is known of root development of willows grown on pastoral hillslopes. This report presents new information about root development in willow trees grown from poles.

Topics: Erosion Control; Root Systems; Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

New Willow Identification Key

Landcare Research

A new Salix key is on the Manaaki Whenua website at

Topics: Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Are Poplars and Willows in Your Farm Plan?

Checklist of advantages of using poplars and willows in your farm plan

Topics: Trees for the Farm;

Document Type: Publications;

Guide to Erosion Control/spaced Plantings Being Eligible to Enter the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)  

Woodnet Forestry, Marginal Land & Carbon Consultancy Services

A guide to erosion control/spaced plantings being eligible to enter the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Topics: Trees for the Farm;

Document Type: Publications;

Killing old poplar trees using chemicals

Ian McIvor and Carlo van den Dijssel

Large or old poplar trees planted for soil conservation and now considered a safety risk can be poisoned, killed and left standing using appropriate herbicide applied to the conducting tissue in the trunk.

Topics: Cultivation; Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm;

Document Type: Publications;

NZPWRT Marketing Plan 2016

This Marketing Plan has been developed by the TRUST as an extension initiative to achieve increased plantings on farms in vulnerable hill country areas.


Document Type: Publications;

Hill Country Heroes

The New Zealand Poplar & Willow Trust corporate document explains the trust and the importance of poplar and willows in New Zealand

Topics: Erosion Control; Poplar Information; Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Old Willow Identification Key

A pictorial key to help identify some of the willows in New Zealand

Topics: Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Growing Poplar and Willow Trees on Farms

Guidelines for Establishing and Managing Poplar and Willow Trees on Farms Compiled and Prepared by the National Poplar and Willow Users Group as part of the Sustainable Farming Fund’s Poplar & Willow Project (Grant No. 04/089)

Topics: Cultivation; Trees for the Farm;

Document Type: Publications;

Trees for the farm

Ian McIvor

A decision support tool for farmers booklet

Topics: Erosion Control; Cultivation; Poplar Information; Trees for the Farm; Willow Information;

Document Type: Publications;

Winning with Willows

Linda Newstrom-Lloyd, Ian McIvor, Trevor Jones, Manon Gabarret & Blandine Polturat

Extending the supply of nutritious pollen for bees in spring. This informative booklet provides information on the pollen and nectar cycles of many willow cultivars.

Topics: Bee Nutrition;

Document Type: Publications;