Willow Identification Key: Salix x sepulcralis Chrysocoma
Common Name:
Golden weeping willowScientific Name:
Salix x sepulchralis ChrysocomaNew Zealand Clones:
Technical Description:
Habit: Medium sized tree, up to 15-20 m high, spreading crown with pendulous branches.
Shoots: Golden yellow in first season, becoming greyish yellow in 3rd year; slender, moderately brittle, silky when young, soon without hairs
Leaves: 4-15 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, lanceolate to narrow elliptic; margins finely serrate; bright green above, bluish green below; silky to touch on both sides at first, becoming hairless.
Catkins: Mainly male; narrow-cylindrical, slightly curved, distinctly stalked; 2-5 cm long; appearing with leaves, September- October.
Comments: Very pendulous twigs, thought to be a hybrid between S. alba var. vitellina and S. babylonica.