Willow Identification Key: S. alba var. vitellina
Common Name:
Golden willowScientific Name:
Salix alba var. vitellinaNew Zealand Clones:
Technical Description:
Habit: Medium sized tree, up to 15-20 m high, open crown with spreading branches.
Shoots: Orange-yellow, later yellowish brown, soon without hairs.
Leaves: 8-12 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, lanceolate; margins finely serrate; lustrous green and slightly hairy above, bluish grey and thinly hairy below; yellowish galls common.
Catkins: Only female in New Zealand; narrow-cylindrical, curved; 4-6 cm long; appearing with leaves, September- October.
Comments: Forms white rootlets in water. Distinctive wide, spreading crown with yellow or orange-yellow twigs, often ragged appearance.